Sunday, March 15, 2009

we're home

well, the two blog posts was not quite what i was hoping for, but, i can for sure update from home. officially at midnight, we are home and headed to bed. we are exhausted. and we are full in so many ways. thank you for your prayers and support and care for us while we were away and when we arrived home. we are so looking forward to sharing our adventures.

love to all!


Jenny said...

Welcome back you Three! So glad you all were able to go, how awesome! Casey, SOOO glad you didn't chop the fro, really pleased about that. I know I couldn't get more superficial and lame than that after coming back from a mission excursion, but I couldn't get more honest either.:-) You guys rule!

Bethany said...

I like reading your thoughts Abbe, it's pretty nice since i never get to see you anymore! I'm glad to hear that you loved Tanzania, it's so great that Asher is beginning his traveling life so early--it will mean a lot to him as he grows up, at least it did for me.

You guys are so cool:)
