Wednesday, March 14, 2012

THE conversation with asher

asher (while looking out the kitchen window): mommy, does God and Jesus live inside of our house?
me: yea, they do. and, even more than that, they live inside of us. when jesus died on the cross, he died to save us from our sins. you know how we are kind of dark and ugly inside? well, when we believe that jesus died on the cross and ask him to help us make good choices, Jesus' spirit comes to live in our hearts and our souls and our minds, and he helps us make good choices.
asher: well, i believe.
me: what do you believe asher?
asher: i believe that jesus died on the cross for me and lives inside of me.
me: and that he can help you make good choices?
asher (still looking out the window): yea, i believe that.
me (crying into the rice and beans i am making for dinner): that makes me so happy, buddy. i am so glad you believe that.

so, just like that. the faith of a little child showing up in my kitchen. oh jesus, grab the heart of my little guy. may the words of his mouth and the meditations of his heart praise you, LORD! may we model how to do that!

amen. let it be!